Who am I

I was born and grew up in Hiiumaa – the second largest island of Estonia. Its calmness and closeness to nature makes it a paradise for creative people – artists, writers, photographers etc.

I have been painting and drawing since childhood. And just like drawing, an inseparable part of my life have been horses. These graceful animals have given me different emotions and wonderful moments, therefore they have found their way onto the canvas. Although my heart belongs to oil paints and realism, I also work with other tools and express my emotions and thoughts through abstract works.

Besides horse farming, I have complemented myself in Kuressaare Regional Training Centre (2002-2004) on the specialty of art and design and on courses in Tartu Art College (2010). In years 2008 and 2010, some of my works were represented in HIKU’s joint exhibitions. I reached my first personal exhibition in 2015.

Life offers emotions, feelings, moments and so much more – I would like to bring to you all of that on canvas. Through this homepage you will get an overview of future exhibitions and a selection of my works.


See you on the next exhibition!

My works

parallax background

Hello, I'm Siret Põllu
on this page, you can look at my artist side

This page, I would like to offer you the experience of art, oil paintings, and another staff. Displaying in news section ongoing exhibitions. If you like my work, and you would like to purchase it, please feel free to contact me. Contact information, see at Contact page.
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